Friday, August 11, 2023

Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners! 


 As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of speakers for our meetings. I received a pretty good response. The subjects requested were:

Poisonous plants in Florida

How to grow orchids on a tree ( this to include propagation, planting medium and identifying types of orchids

A talk on Birds of Florida from the Audubon Society

How to make decorative bird baths on tree stumps. 


Palm trees - their different types and differences between them

Identifying invasive plants/weeds in Florida

There was a board meeting the beginning of the month at Gary and Celeste’s home. Ken Fisher was present and was shown how our board meetings are conducted. 

The new shed at Folly was discussed and roofing of it will be finished soon.  

Mention was made of our dear George Weiss passing away. A celebration of his life will be October 7th. 

50 new trees will arrive at Folly Farms on August 26th.

Mullet Monday was on Monday August 7. 10 people showed up in this heat. Thank you all!!

Dates to remember:

Our upcoming plant sale at Folly Farm this Saturday, August 12 from 9 to Noon. Help from members always appreciated.,

In the fall we will be participating again in Halloween Fright Nights
πŸŽƒ 🍁 πŸŽƒ 
October 27 and 28
At Folly Farms
More Information to Follow

Our first meeting after summer break will be Wednesday September 20th at Moccasin Lake and it will be our first club meeting with new president Ken Fisher. Our speaker will be Doris Heitzman from the Pinellas County Extension Office. We will hear a talk on Micro Irrigation. The Sign Up Genius will be sent out prior to that meeting so we can volunteer to bring refreshments. Coffee/Tea is always provided by our Hospitality Committee. 

Have a terrific rest of the summer!! Stay hydrated! 

Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...