Sunday, April 30, 2023

Newsletter May 2023

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m the new editor of the newsletter. My name is Leandra (Lee) Sisco and I’ve lived in Florida over thirty years and have been a member of the Garden Club for over 11 years. 

I retired from the school board in May, 2011 where I worked in Technology. 
We have seven grandkids and can never spend enough time with them! 
My other pastimes are knitting, sewing, cooking and baking but most of all GARDENING. Vegetable AND flowers. 
Please send me any pictures you think would be significant to our club. And stories, I need stories! Thanks. My email is

Leandra (Lee) Sisco

 Spring picnic and Auction - April 19th, 2023

The Garden Club Spring Auction and Scavenger Hunt was a success. Great fun and the weather cooperated.  The food was catered by Publix and cupcakes made by Gary and Celeste’s daughter. Jennifer Rothe made the adorable gnome centerpieces. 

April 19th Picnic expenses- $619.64 for food, cupcakes, and decorations; Raffle proceeds-$266.00; total picnic cost of $353.64

The auction was done in a raffle ticket fashion and the more tickets you put in each bag the better chance you had of winning that item. Carol Zieres and myself handled the auction. Gary handled the Scavenger Hunt. Thanks to all who helped with the food set up and sign in tables, etc. 

Here are a few photos. 


As of the day of the picnic we had 90 paid Garden Club members.

 SHGC presented a check for $1500 to the Parks and Recreation Dept. for summer camp scholarships. 

Board Meeting May 3, 2023. 
Present were Gary and Celeste Sawtelle, Leslie Zambito, Gisela Benny, Lee Sisco, Paula Harvey, Carol Zieres, and Rebecca Cunningham.

Treasurers Report: bank balance 8,588.55

Plant sale:  will take place second Saturday in May. May 13th from 9 to 1. Please come volunteer. All those wishing to volunteer should be at Folly at 8:30. 
We discussed possibly holding planting classes during the Saturday sales such as propagating class, etc.

Future programs/Events:

Our monthly Garden Club meeting will take place on Wednesday May 17th at 9:30. There will be a plant exchange. Speaker will be Teresa Badurek an Urban Horticulturist who will talk about pruning. 

We are planning an Open House in Early August at the Rigsby Center that will showcase our club activities and committee opportunities. 
This will be our summer get together since there won’t be regular meetings. 

Keep in mind: This will be your chance to get on a Garden Club committee. 

Committees forming will include, but are not limited to: Mullett Creek, Hospitality, Field Trips, Educational Outreach, Communications and Merchandising.

Refreshments will be served.  

Folly News:
Over 200 trees planted at Folly Farm Nature Preserve

This past Monday, Will Moriaty's tree planting organization, the Tampa Bay Reforestation and Environmental Effort, Inc. (Tree, Inc. – Reforesting Tampa Bay with native trees ( planted native trees in the Folly Farm Preserve's wetland area. Trees Inc., Keep Pinellas Beautiful, Safety Harbor Garden Club and other volunteers joined together to help plant over 200 native trees on Monday, May 1st!

Spearheaded by John Fuller and overseen by Will Moriaty the project focused on removing invasive plants and replacing them with native trees including approximately 150 Bald Cypress trees!

We have water at Folly!

An irrigation project was recently completed connecting water to all our gardens at Folly. Safety Harbor Landscaping ran water lines to the gardens and to our nursery area. Now each garden will have access to a 50ft hose that can be used to hand water or attach to a sprinkler.

Thats all for this Month. 

See you Wednesday May 17 at the General membership meeting at
Moccasin lake Park. Bring a plant to exchange.

Social at 9:30am 

Business at 10:00am

Followed by the speaker.





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Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...