Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Newsletter July 2023 SHGC,

Safety Harbor Garden Club monthly plant sale

This Saturday, July 8. (2nd Saturday)     
9 to noon at Folly Farms

If you’d like to volunteer, please meet at 8:30. 

We accept cash, PayPal, credit/debit cards Venmo. 

Safety Harbor Garden Club June Meeting, Wednesday June 21, 2023
Our Guest Speaker, James Stevenson, of Brooker Creek gave a fascinating presentation on mushrooms and fungi! He is an expert in his field at University of Florida. 


Business Update:

Membership- 87 Paid members, 23 of these members are new. 
Treasurer Report- Approximately $8,200 in the account as of June 7
June Plant Sale generated approximately another $900
Folly Farms News - permitting and progress on the shed is moving forward! Construction is slated to begin July 19!
Nancy McClellan reports the 5 bluebird Boxes at Folly have resulted in 5 eggs and 5 fledglings of Chickadees and 10 eggs and 10 fledglings of Eastern Bluebirds! 



Mullett Creek News- Sharen and Karen have been hard at work in the park! Lee still goes there and weeds but is limited to maybe once a month.


Don’t forget about Mullet Mondays!!!

The first Monday of the Month we meet at Mullet to beautify. 


Brainstorming and sign up for Committees took place at the meeting:

Committees are: 

Hospitality, Communication, Education, Beautification, Membership, Programs, Merchandise


If you are interested in joining a committee, send an email to



Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 20th will be our first meeting with new  president Ken Fisher. 


Board Meeting Wed. July 5, 2023:

A great lunch was provided by Celeste and Gary at their lovely home. After lunch meeting commenced:

Present were:  Gary and Celeste, Paula, Lee, Leslie, Sharen, Carol, Judy, Nancy, Vicki. 

Vicki Schumacher presented to us the new website for our club. It is still in the works. We tweaked it a bit, but there is more work to do. Carol Z. Suggested a link to other informative websites. The home page showed calendar and a picture of the flower of the month. Board members are going to be listed with a photo and bio on each. 

There will be links to plant sales, pollinator plant lists, special sections for Folly Farms and Mullet Creek. Suggestions were to add Pollinator Pathways info as well as background info such as a section showing how George donated his property to Folly etc. it will be a really well rounded site. 

A ‘donate here’ box was suggested, also. 

Reminder, please go to our regular website until further notice to log your volunteer hours. 

We have money to spend. Soon we will have about $10,000 in the treasury. Suggestions were to buy a new pump for the Folly Fairy fountain, new hose bibs, and give the artist payment for her butterfly art, etc. that adorns the Folly park. Also money will be spent for the new shed that we will share with city employees. We are going to put up a lean to on the side of it with shaded picnic tables and cooling sprayers. 

All the individual committees are asked to at least touch base with their members some time before the September meeting, so we have something to report to our new president Ken Fisher. 

Have a safe and restful summer!!!     


Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...