Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 Safety Harbor Garden Club 



SHGC President Gary Sawtelle is resigning his position after three years as president.

SHGC 1st Vice President Leslie Zambito is resigning her position after three years as Vice-President 

As a result, our nominating committee is seeking out members interested in the following three offices including that of Assistant Treasurer:

1st Vice President
Assistant Treasurer 

Officer Job Descriptions 

The President shall:

A.  Be the official representative of the Club.
B.  Preside at all Board and Regular Meetings.
C.  Appoint all Chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees, subject to the approval of the Board.
D.  Consult with the Treasurer in appointing the Budget committee.
E.  Be ex-officio member of all Standing and Special
Committees, except the Nominating Committee.
F. Communicate with membership.


The First Vice-President shall:

A.  Perform the duties of the President in absence of, 
or by request of, the President.
B.  The elected First Vice-President shall be 
Program Chair.

Assistant Treasurer  

The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the event of absence of the Treasurer.

Current Held Positions
Paula Harvey - 2nd VP. Membership
Karen Isak - Recording Secretary
1st Treasurer - Celeste Sawtelle
2nd Treasurer - Vacant
Social Secretary - Barbara Nelson
Publicity - Sharen Kuckkahn
Webmaster - Judy Zaccaria
Hospitality - Jennifer Rothe

If you are interested in any of the three available positions reach out to a member of our nominating committee:

Sharen Kuckkahn, Gisela Bennie, Nancy McClelland
Election of officers will take place at the March general membership meeting.
There has never been a better time to step into the roles of President, Vice-President or Assistant Treasurer of our garden club!
You'll have an experienced, fun team to work with and loads of support!
We need you!
For more information email: SafetyHarborGardenClub@gmail.com

Gary and Leslie aren't leaving us! They have thoroughly enjoyed their roles as President and Vice-President and look forward to serving the Club in their roles at Folly Farm Nature Preserve.



Folly Farm Nature Preserve Positions

appointed by SHGC president w/board approval


Nancy McClelland
 Folly Farm Gardens Manager

 Manages “Folly Farmers” volunteers to maintain gardens. 

Focus on enhancing and expanding the Folly Garden experience.

Knowledgeable in native plant use in landscape designs. 

Good communications skills.

Able to leap tall ant mounds in a single bound.

Works closely with Folly Farm Nursery Manager.

Gary Sawtelle
Folly Farm Garden Manager Assistant

City of Safety Harbor Folly Farm Site Beautification Technician


 Leslie Zambito
Folly Farm Nursery Manager

 Manages “Folly Farmers” volunteers to maintain nursery.
Focus on native plant propagation.
Knowledgeable in nursery operations.
Good communication skills.
Works closely with Folly Farm Gardens Manager to determine preferred plant inventory.
Acts as SHGC Folly Farm liaison to City of Safety Harbor.


 Gary Sawtelle

Folly Farm Nursery Manager Assistant

City of Safety Harbor Folly Farm Site Beautification Technician


The SHGC is also searching for a Newsletter Editor:


SHGC Newsletter Editor

 Publishes a fun monthly online-newsletter detailing the activities of the club.

Activities reported include monthly meetings
 and special events.

 Must be able to write and edit content.

Experience in photography and photo editing a plus!

 Works with and has the support and input from the President and board to keep the membership informed of all current events and information.

Interested? Or need more information? 

Email: SafetyHarborGardenClub@gmail.com





Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...