Sunday, November 6, 2022


Monday, November 7
Mullet Monday!
We'll be adding plants to the beds and doing some pruning and weeding at Mullet Creek Park
8:30 start-up 

Saturday, November 12th
2nd Saturday Plant Sale at Folly Farm
Volunteers needed at 8:30 please 

Invasive plant mitigation along the trail
8:30am till Noon 
meet at the Folly Farm Gazebo

SHGC Membership Meeting

Moccasin Lake Nature Park

Wednesday, November 16
9:30 AM

The Delights of a Florida Winter Garden
Learn all about winter visitors to welcome to your yard with Master Gardener Liza.

For many gardens and gardeners, winter is a time of rest from the business of growing, flowering, fruiting, and weeding.

But in subtropical Florida, how do plants detect and respond to winter's arrival?
And, what are plants and gardeners busy doing in this delightful season?
Supporting migrating and over wintering birds is an additional service that Florida winter plants and gardens perform with bounty and beauty.

Plant of the Month
Plant exchange  
SHGC updates
don't forget your name tag
and drinking cup 

The nursery is undergoing a makeover and it is really coming together.
next up? improved irrigation.

Michele, Karen, Leslie, Arlene and Sharen celebrate new groundcover addition in the nursery!

Janice developed a new and improved potting method in the Nursery Rows!

Our new helper in the Garden, Hunter, gets a t-shirt from Leslie, Gary and Colleen.

October plant sale was a huge success!

Rick shows the size of the torpedo grass he wrestled with in the garden he and Collen care for.

Colleen is happy with the burst of cooler, low humidity weather! 

The latest Garden to join the Folly Farm Gardens is called the "Pathways Garden". It's right out front along the fence line. We received a $1,000 city grant to plant all natives to help launch our Pollinator Pathways initiative. (Coming Soon)

Robert looks in on the planting of the new "Pathways" garden
along the front fence at Folly (bordering MLK). 

Chris waters in new plants in the "Pathways" garden.

Rebecca, Karen, Sharen and Julia work in the new Pathways Garden near the Folly entry sign.

Sydney and Shari helping out in the Pathways Garden

Alan and Dave add a Yaupon Holly to the Pathways Garden

Mullet Mondays continues... First Monday of every month.
Next up Monday November 7 

Carol at Mullet Mondays 

Jan is ready for action! Leslie suggests a garden that needs work during Mullet Monday.

Folly Crew dance yoga???

Our Folly Farm Fright Night event was a scary? scene near the pumpkin arch entrance to the scary trail...
Nice turn out from our members
and help from Cayden Renshaw and friends

Friday had rain and Saturday a generator malfunction,
but it was a really cool, fun event!
Our Zom-Bees looked great,
and the silhouette screen looked really good!
We had dancing and dismemberment both nights! 

Thank you and Kudos to the City Recreation Department for a great event and letting us join in! 

Hive warning sign.

"The Hive" was a big hit on Friday and Saturday night
at "Fright Nights" at Folly.

Kelsy, Brittney, Chris and Gary at Saturday night at the Hive! 
Cayden and his volunteer Zom-Bees get ready to frighten!
 Cayden and friends helped us out Friday and Saturday night.

Zom-Bees dancing in the Hive...

That Zom-bee can Dance!! 

See more photos on our Facebook page

Thanks for all the support this month!


Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...