Friday, August 11, 2023

Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners! 


 As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of speakers for our meetings. I received a pretty good response. The subjects requested were:

Poisonous plants in Florida

How to grow orchids on a tree ( this to include propagation, planting medium and identifying types of orchids

A talk on Birds of Florida from the Audubon Society

How to make decorative bird baths on tree stumps. 


Palm trees - their different types and differences between them

Identifying invasive plants/weeds in Florida

There was a board meeting the beginning of the month at Gary and Celeste’s home. Ken Fisher was present and was shown how our board meetings are conducted. 

The new shed at Folly was discussed and roofing of it will be finished soon.  

Mention was made of our dear George Weiss passing away. A celebration of his life will be October 7th. 

50 new trees will arrive at Folly Farms on August 26th.

Mullet Monday was on Monday August 7. 10 people showed up in this heat. Thank you all!!

Dates to remember:

Our upcoming plant sale at Folly Farm this Saturday, August 12 from 9 to Noon. Help from members always appreciated.,

In the fall we will be participating again in Halloween Fright Nights
πŸŽƒ 🍁 πŸŽƒ 
October 27 and 28
At Folly Farms
More Information to Follow

Our first meeting after summer break will be Wednesday September 20th at Moccasin Lake and it will be our first club meeting with new president Ken Fisher. Our speaker will be Doris Heitzman from the Pinellas County Extension Office. We will hear a talk on Micro Irrigation. The Sign Up Genius will be sent out prior to that meeting so we can volunteer to bring refreshments. Coffee/Tea is always provided by our Hospitality Committee. 

Have a terrific rest of the summer!! Stay hydrated! 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Newsletter July 2023 SHGC,

Safety Harbor Garden Club monthly plant sale

This Saturday, July 8. (2nd Saturday)     
9 to noon at Folly Farms

If you’d like to volunteer, please meet at 8:30. 

We accept cash, PayPal, credit/debit cards Venmo. 

Safety Harbor Garden Club June Meeting, Wednesday June 21, 2023
Our Guest Speaker, James Stevenson, of Brooker Creek gave a fascinating presentation on mushrooms and fungi! He is an expert in his field at University of Florida. 


Business Update:

Membership- 87 Paid members, 23 of these members are new. 
Treasurer Report- Approximately $8,200 in the account as of June 7
June Plant Sale generated approximately another $900
Folly Farms News - permitting and progress on the shed is moving forward! Construction is slated to begin July 19!
Nancy McClellan reports the 5 bluebird Boxes at Folly have resulted in 5 eggs and 5 fledglings of Chickadees and 10 eggs and 10 fledglings of Eastern Bluebirds! 



Mullett Creek News- Sharen and Karen have been hard at work in the park! Lee still goes there and weeds but is limited to maybe once a month.


Don’t forget about Mullet Mondays!!!

The first Monday of the Month we meet at Mullet to beautify. 


Brainstorming and sign up for Committees took place at the meeting:

Committees are: 

Hospitality, Communication, Education, Beautification, Membership, Programs, Merchandise


If you are interested in joining a committee, send an email to



Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 20th will be our first meeting with new  president Ken Fisher. 


Board Meeting Wed. July 5, 2023:

A great lunch was provided by Celeste and Gary at their lovely home. After lunch meeting commenced:

Present were:  Gary and Celeste, Paula, Lee, Leslie, Sharen, Carol, Judy, Nancy, Vicki. 

Vicki Schumacher presented to us the new website for our club. It is still in the works. We tweaked it a bit, but there is more work to do. Carol Z. Suggested a link to other informative websites. The home page showed calendar and a picture of the flower of the month. Board members are going to be listed with a photo and bio on each. 

There will be links to plant sales, pollinator plant lists, special sections for Folly Farms and Mullet Creek. Suggestions were to add Pollinator Pathways info as well as background info such as a section showing how George donated his property to Folly etc. it will be a really well rounded site. 

A ‘donate here’ box was suggested, also. 

Reminder, please go to our regular website until further notice to log your volunteer hours. 

We have money to spend. Soon we will have about $10,000 in the treasury. Suggestions were to buy a new pump for the Folly Fairy fountain, new hose bibs, and give the artist payment for her butterfly art, etc. that adorns the Folly park. Also money will be spent for the new shed that we will share with city employees. We are going to put up a lean to on the side of it with shaded picnic tables and cooling sprayers. 

All the individual committees are asked to at least touch base with their members some time before the September meeting, so we have something to report to our new president Ken Fisher. 

Have a safe and restful summer!!!     


Thursday, June 8, 2023

June Newsletter

Saturday June 10th, 9 to noon.

We are teaming up with the City of Safety Harbor 
in a "Meet the Pollinators " event to celebrate Pollinators!

Local beekeeper Craig Wright will be there to share important info about Bees!

Please come help if you can. Even for a little while. 
Volunteers arrive by 8:30
We take Venmo and PayPal at the sale. 

June SHGC Meeting

June 21 at 9:30 AM. 
Moccasin Lake Park
James Stevenson will be our speaker about MUSHROOMS.

 More Than Mushrooms; the Unsung Heroes of the Fungus Kingdom 

Fungus are neither plant nor animal, but have characteristics of both! 

Meet some of the more unusual types that surround us every day. 

Splash cups, velvet blue spread and stinkhorns 

are among those you will meet in this class.


Note: this class will NOT address edible wild mushrooms.


James Stevenson is an Education and Outreach Supervisor with the Parks and Conservation Resources Department in Pinellas County.  He works out of the Brooker Creek Preserve Environmental Education Center in Tarpon Springs.  James teaches classes on a variety of natural resource conservation topics, including:  plant identification, botany, entomology, ecology and particular groups of native plants such as ferns, wetland wildflowers and epiphytes.

James grew up in Clearwater, then went on to university in Sewanee, Tennessee, worked in botanic gardens in North Carolina before moving to the UK to work at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the University of Oxford Botanic Gardens from 1998-2006. James has worked with the UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County since 2006.

Hello Members!!! 

Hope you’re all enjoying this almost summer weather. Time to put the vegetable gardens to rest for the most part. There are a few things that grow well in our Florida summer heat. Okra, green peppers, herbs like Dill and Loofa gourds. 

Some of the club members got together on "Mullet Monday" June 5 to spruce up Mullet Creek Park. The first Monday of every month is designated as "Mullet Monday" when we head to Mullet Park to prune, weed, plant and general beautification. We are glad to see Sharen Kuckkahn back so soon and ready to help. 

L-R Carol Zieres, Karen Bredow, Gary Sawtelle, Sharon Kuckkahn

L-R Leslie Zambito, Gary Sawtelle, Karen Bredow, Sharon Kuckkahn

A board meeting was held on Wednesday June 7 at Folly Farms. Present were Gisela Benny, Gary and Celeste Sawtelle, Judy Zaccharia, Leslie Zambito, Sharen Kuckkahn, Rebecca Cunningham, Janice Corbett and Lee Sisco. 
Our in-coming new president Ken Fisher joined via telephone. 
He will be announced at our June meeting. 
Treasurer’s report: There are 90+ paid members and as of Wednesday the 7th we had $9,098.30. 
About $900 of this is specified to Pollinator Pathways and the Gnomeo project. 
Total cost of our picnic was $353.00

There are no meetings in July or August.

New SHGC Committees Forming

We are working hard to establish some new committees and sign-ups have already begun!
Some of the new committees are:
Travel/Field trips

If you signed up already look for an email prior to the June meeting notifying you to stay for a meet after the regular meeting. 
There will be lots more opportunities to sign on to a committee. 

We are planning a possible Open house At the Rigsby center to help us solidify our new committees.  
This will take place in August probably on a Friday evening with hors d' oevres and drinks. 

SHGC Garden Award 

Julie Scott at 535 3rd Street N. is the latest recipient
 of our Garden Club’s Garden Award. 
Julie has lived in Safety Harbor for about 5 years, 
and had this beautiful home built in 2022.

She designed the colorful landscaping of the front yard,
with helpful suggestions from a neighbor.

Julie has placed extra emphasis on also planting pollinator plants, 
aware of our city’s and the S.H. Garden Club’s
efforts to attract more pollinators to our area.  

Julie’s place is a gem in the neighborhood and our town. 

Happy πŸ‘©‍🌾 Gardening!

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Newsletter May 2023

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m the new editor of the newsletter. My name is Leandra (Lee) Sisco and I’ve lived in Florida over thirty years and have been a member of the Garden Club for over 11 years. 

I retired from the school board in May, 2011 where I worked in Technology. 
We have seven grandkids and can never spend enough time with them! 
My other pastimes are knitting, sewing, cooking and baking but most of all GARDENING. Vegetable AND flowers. 
Please send me any pictures you think would be significant to our club. And stories, I need stories! Thanks. My email is

Leandra (Lee) Sisco

 Spring picnic and Auction - April 19th, 2023

The Garden Club Spring Auction and Scavenger Hunt was a success. Great fun and the weather cooperated.  The food was catered by Publix and cupcakes made by Gary and Celeste’s daughter. Jennifer Rothe made the adorable gnome centerpieces. 

April 19th Picnic expenses- $619.64 for food, cupcakes, and decorations; Raffle proceeds-$266.00; total picnic cost of $353.64

The auction was done in a raffle ticket fashion and the more tickets you put in each bag the better chance you had of winning that item. Carol Zieres and myself handled the auction. Gary handled the Scavenger Hunt. Thanks to all who helped with the food set up and sign in tables, etc. 

Here are a few photos. 


As of the day of the picnic we had 90 paid Garden Club members.

 SHGC presented a check for $1500 to the Parks and Recreation Dept. for summer camp scholarships. 

Board Meeting May 3, 2023. 
Present were Gary and Celeste Sawtelle, Leslie Zambito, Gisela Benny, Lee Sisco, Paula Harvey, Carol Zieres, and Rebecca Cunningham.

Treasurers Report: bank balance 8,588.55

Plant sale:  will take place second Saturday in May. May 13th from 9 to 1. Please come volunteer. All those wishing to volunteer should be at Folly at 8:30. 
We discussed possibly holding planting classes during the Saturday sales such as propagating class, etc.

Future programs/Events:

Our monthly Garden Club meeting will take place on Wednesday May 17th at 9:30. There will be a plant exchange. Speaker will be Teresa Badurek an Urban Horticulturist who will talk about pruning. 

We are planning an Open House in Early August at the Rigsby Center that will showcase our club activities and committee opportunities. 
This will be our summer get together since there won’t be regular meetings. 

Keep in mind: This will be your chance to get on a Garden Club committee. 

Committees forming will include, but are not limited to: Mullett Creek, Hospitality, Field Trips, Educational Outreach, Communications and Merchandising.

Refreshments will be served.  

Folly News:
Over 200 trees planted at Folly Farm Nature Preserve

This past Monday, Will Moriaty's tree planting organization, the Tampa Bay Reforestation and Environmental Effort, Inc. (Tree, Inc. – Reforesting Tampa Bay with native trees ( planted native trees in the Folly Farm Preserve's wetland area. Trees Inc., Keep Pinellas Beautiful, Safety Harbor Garden Club and other volunteers joined together to help plant over 200 native trees on Monday, May 1st!

Spearheaded by John Fuller and overseen by Will Moriaty the project focused on removing invasive plants and replacing them with native trees including approximately 150 Bald Cypress trees!

We have water at Folly!

An irrigation project was recently completed connecting water to all our gardens at Folly. Safety Harbor Landscaping ran water lines to the gardens and to our nursery area. Now each garden will have access to a 50ft hose that can be used to hand water or attach to a sprinkler.

Thats all for this Month. 

See you Wednesday May 17 at the General membership meeting at
Moccasin lake Park. Bring a plant to exchange.

Social at 9:30am 

Business at 10:00am

Followed by the speaker.





Saturday, April 8, 2023


Hi everyone!

 Our annual SHGC Summer picnic is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19 at the Folly Farm Nature Preserve Barn!

10AM - 11:30AM   scavenger hunt/ Auction Item dropoffs

The scavenger hunt winds its way through our Folly Butterfly Gardens!

Registration tables also will be open at 10:00AM to allow plenty of time for the scavenger hunt/Garden stroll and dropping off auction items.

The hunt will be fun and informative and there are prizes!


The highlight of our Summer Picnic is the auction!

Garden art, amazing plants, tools, garden jewelry, books, and all sorts of cool stuff!

We ask everyone to please bring an item.

Each item will have a paper bag with the item description (You fill this out upon drop off). 

To win an item, you place your raffle tickets into the bag for the drawing. 

Everyone gets a raffle ticket at registration. You may purchase additional.


Picnic Volunteers needed:


Barn set up


Food set up

Clean up

Wherever you need me!

Please RSVP your intention to attend the picnic by clicking on this link and mention your volunteer preference.



Your 2023 dues must be paid to attend (you can pay at picnic registration)

Guests of dues paid members are welcome - $5  


Hope you can make it!

The SHGC Summer Picnic Committe



Present: Gary Sawtelle, Celeste Sawtelle, Gisela Benny, Leslie Zambito, Cheryl Warth, Paula Harvey and myself, (Lee Sisco).

 Membership report - Paula reported 47 email reminders were sent as reminders to pay your dues. We currently have 16 new members and a total of 75 paid members. Membership should be paid before attending picnic April 19.

We discussed taking new membership at any time of the year that people want to join.

Treasurers report -
Celeste reports as of March 8 our balance was 7, 286.96.
We made about $1800 in plant sales.
Our balance now is $8, 588.55

Gnomeo  $495
Pollinator Pathways signs and hand outs $312.


Garden Fest needed more food sources. We will provide feedback to the city for inviting a few more food trucks next year.


Folly News: Leslie reported we had 25+ volunteers helping at the Enchanted Garden Fest. We need to revert back to a sign up sheet including set up and tear down volunteers.

More water lines are being extended at Folly Farms and this should take place this month. Invasive brush will be mowed and chopped under. 


Annual Picnic and Auction April 19 11:30

Lunch will be served.
Guests are $5 extra.

Please donate garden related items for this event.
This will be a silent auction with tickets bought like we did at Christmas party.
Lee is making the ID tags for the items and they will be available at the table when you sign in to attend the auction/picnic.

A donation will be given to the City of Safety Harbor for kids to attend summer camp.
We also will be clearing out our Garden Club tshirts and the like at the auction. A suggestion is $5 a shirt and so forth.

 Cheryl mentioned a possible field trip to Marie Selby botanical garden in Sarasota in May. Or  possibly Spanish Point. A date for either of these wasn’t decided but May was suggested as it it getting too hot out. Gary suggested limiting the trips to 25 people.  

At the May meeting Theresa will be speaking about pruning.

 Gary suggests our succession planning could be better. Suggests a meeting during the summer in an air conditioned place with refreshments. Purpose to discuss volunteer for positions we need as far as committees, etc.


 Trip to Bok Tower, March 15, 2023

A great time was had by the Garden club. On March 15th 30+ of us went to Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales. Gary our president also served as our bus driver. He did a splendid job! Upon arrival we were greeted by a guide who showed us a tour of the plant nurseries. We were in our element. Surrounded by beautiful trees, spring shrubs in flower and the forever enchanting sounds of the tower.  Happy smiles all around, then a great lunch and wandering around the beautiful grounds followed. 

Enchanted Garden Fest 

March 26, 2023

Our none other than talented Chris Dotson has been diligently working on our giant wooden statue of Gnomeo. He got his head on his shoulders for the fest. Improvements still to be added. Bravo, Chris and crew!!

The plant sale was a success. Thank you to all who participated. The gorgeous day was dotted with many garden club members, some dressed as gnomes or fairies and even a witch or two. Entertainment and craft and plant booths all over, what more could a gardener want?


Present: Gary Sawtelle, Celeste Sawtelle, Gisela Benny, Leslie Zambito, Cheryl Warth, Paula Harvey and myself, (Lee Sisco).


Membership report - Paula reported 47 email reminders were sent as reminders to pay your dues. We currently have 16 new members and a total of 75 paid members. Membership should be paid before attending picnic April 19.

We discussed taking new membership at any time of the year that people want to join.


Treasurers report - Celeste reports as of March 8 our balance was 7, 286.96 We made about 1800 in plant sales and expenses for Gnomeo was $495 and Pollenator Pathways signs and hand outs was $312. Our balance now is $8, 588.55


Garden Fest needed more food sources and we discussed inviting a few more food trucks next year.


Folly News: Leslie reported we had 25 volunteers helping at the Enchanted Garden Fest. We need to revert back to a sign up sheet including set up and tear down volunteers.

More water lines are being extended at Folly Farms and this should take place this month. Invasive brush will be mowed and chopped under. Eventually putting a water feature there near the same place water is naturally there.


Auction April 19 11:30

Lunch will be served. Guests are $5 extra. We need volunteers for help with a Scavenger hunt to take place an hour before the auction starts. We also need volunteers to run the auction. Please donate garden related items for this event. This will be a silent auction with tickets bought like we did at Christmas party. Lee is making the ID tags for the items and they will be available at the table when you sign in to attend the auction/picnic.

A donation will be given to the City of Safety Harbor for kids to attend summer camp. We also will be clearing out our Garden Club tshirts and the like at the auction. A suggestion is $5 a shirt and so forth.


Cheryl mentioned a possible field trip to Marie Selby botanical garden in Sarasota in May. Or  possibly Spanish Point. A date for either of these wasn’t decided but May was suggested as it it getting too hot out. Gary suggested limiting the trips to 25 people.  At the May meeting Theresa will be speaking about pruning.


Gary suggests our succession planning could be better. Suggests a meeting during the summer in an air conditioned place with refreshments. Purpose to discuss volunteer for positions we need as far as committees, etc.



Sunday, February 26, 2023


The SHGC March meeting at Moccasin Lake is canceled due to the BOK TOWER trip.

SHGC elections
There are current no candidates for the posted positions.
Update: Gary Sawtelle will continue in his role as President until July 1,
Cheryl Warth will keep the duties of vice-president until she moves later this year. 
Rebecca Cunningham is the new Recording Secretary. All other officers will retain their positions.
Looking forward to our BOK Tower trip!
The Bus is full but there is a self-drive option available.

Safety Harbor Garden Club Board Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2023

Present: Gary Sawtelle, Celeste Sawtelle, Gisela Bennie, Leslie Zambito, Sharen Kuckkahn, Barbara Nelson, Cheryl Warth, Jennifer Rothe, and Paula Harvey

Membership Report:         SHGC has 62 paid members – 11 of those are new members – 51 members from 2022 have not paid their dues.

Paula will send an email to the 2022 members who have not renewed their membership with a reminder to pay dues before the April Picnic.

Treasure’s Report:            Balance in the SHGC account is $5,735.97.
                                            Bok Tower Account: $1,144.95
                                            Gnomeo account: $480.22.
 The Audit has been completed. Carol Cecil will check paperwork at the end of every month.

Bok Tower Trip: 29 paid members will be riding the bus, 2 will be driving. There is no waiting list. The trip will close out at 29. An email was sent to 29 people for a lunch count. Celeste will help Cheryl with the lunch count. Bok Tower needs the lunch count by Friday, March 3 and payment for the trip on arrival. An email will be sent to participants to bring their own water and sunscreen. One stop midway will be made on the way and on the return trip.

Plant Sale: Plant sale at Folly Farm on the 2nd Saturday – March 11.

Pollinator Pathways: Gary has contacted Our club will be the first in Florida to be on the website.  The organization will manage emails and street addresses obtained from the pledges.  They have information brochures and handouts and metal yard signs. They will sell the yard signs to us at ½ price.  Gary made a motion to donate money (amount to be determined) to the Pollinator Pathway organization. Motion seconded by Leslie and passed.

Enchanted Garden Fest- March 26: This festival is the biggest and most successful event for the SHGC. The kick off for the Pollinator Pathway project will be during the Garden Fest.
Ken Fischer is building an information booth.
Information from the Florida Wildflower Foundation will be handed out at the booth.
Leslie made a motion to pay for the shipping of the educational material from the Wildflower Foundation. (there is no cost for the material). Barbara seconed the motion. Motion passed.
Cheryl and Leslie will coordinate the purchase of seeds from the Florida Wildflower Foundation. $100.00 has been budgeted for the purchase.
Cheryl will send an invitation for a “seed packing party”.
Volunteers will be needed for the festival. Some suggested volunteer positions: Help Desk – Jan Corbett? Cashier for the Plant Sale, “Helpers” to look at the site at Folly for plant ideas – Barbara has volunteered for this. Walking tours of the gardens – Nancy McClelland ?

Bloomin Chalk Fest-March 18 and 19: SHGC will be present both days to promote the Pollinator Pathways. A committee chair will be needed – 2 tables with brochures and volunteers. Possibly bring the “Help Desk”. Mail Chimp will provide information and seek volunteers.

Newsletter: The newsletter has been posted on the website a day after the board meeting. In the past an email has been sent out to members with a link to the newsletter. We need to educate members to go to the newsletter to find updated information.

Nursery Needs: Our plant nursery needs 1 gallon nursery pots and some 3 gallon pots. People who purchase plants have been asked to return pots.

April Picnic: It was decided to host the annual picnic at Folly Farms in the Barn area. Tours of the gardens will be provided. Gary will reserve the barn.

SHGC Award: Gisela has selected a house behind the Safety Harbor History Museum on Iron Age to receive the garden award. The home embellishes the front with art from local artists. The sign was in need of repair. Gisela contacted the company that made the sign and they repaired it at no cost.

Programs for Membership Meetings: Cheryl will be moving in June or July. She has arranged speakers for the membership meetings for May, June, September and October. The club does not meet in July or August.

President and Vice President Openings: Gary will continue to serve as president for the months of May and June. The search will continue for two members who will serve in these capacities.

SHGC Committee Structure: Need for committees was discussed. The by-laws give some direction as far as standing committees. Gary asked that board members email him with suggestions of committees that need to keep going.

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Harvey

All hands on deck for the Enchanted Garden Fest!
We need our members to block the date and come out and volunteer.
Sunday, March 26th

It will be a plant sale on steroids!
Showcasing two of our projects
Pollinator Pathway and Gnomeo 

Keep checking our website for more information 


Each Year for the past few years the Safety Harbor Garden Club has added enhancements to the Folly Farm Nature Preserve. In 2021 we won the state-wide award of excellence for Beautification and Enhancement!

If you walk about at Folly today, you will see that we have added a Butterfly Labyrinth, a Wind Phone, multiple gardens, blue bird boxes and more!

This year our enhancement is a sculpture of a giant gnome made from reclaimed wood combined with a piece by sculptor Kumpa Tawornprom.

For many years local artist and sculptor, Kumpa Tawornprom, had visions about adding sculptures to the gardens at Folly Farm.

When Shannon Schafer, Recreation Superintendent, was approached with the sculpture idea she immediately produced some photos of giant troll sculptures created by Thomas Dambo. (Thomas Dambo is an artist based out of Denmark. He has giant troll sculptures in place around the world and is currently building his 100th giant troll!)

They are fantastic!

Local artist (and SHGC member) Chris Dotson was aware of the Dambo sculptures. He also had a friend, Sean Carberry, who had expressed interest in building a giant troll! 

The Gnomeo Project was born!

A decision to create a giant gnome rather than a troll kept to themes already established at Folly.


If you were at last year's world premiere of the play "The Origin of Magic at Folly Farm ..." you will recognize the name "Gnomeo"!


Gnomeo will be constructed from discarded lumber.

He will stand approximately 17 feet tall.

Chris Dotson created a scale mock-up of the sculpture.

Sean Carberry designed the sculpture infrastructure and has committed resources from his contracting company.   

Kumpa is fabricating the head using foam and fiberglass. There will be additional treatments to make the appearance look like the wood used in the rest of the sculpture,

Rebekah Mason, Laura Kepner, Leslie Zambito and Celeste Sawtelle soon joined the team. 

Initial construction will begin mid-February and final assembly will have a March 26 deadline to coincide with the Folly Farm “Enchanted Garden Fest”. At that time, the public is invited to join in on a “community build” to complete any unfinished pieces!  

Gnomeo photos

Sean and Zack in the Gnomeo workshop (Folly Barn)

Kumpa brings "Chromeo" to 3rd Friday

3rd Friday on Main Street 2 17 23


City Hall

At work in one of Kumpa's studios

at Kumpa's studio

Gnomeo cut-away

The designer with his work!


Our SHGC Pollinator Pathway project
start-up date is moving to
March 26
during the "Enchanted Garden Fest"!

The Pathway project invites gardeners to
plant native host and nectar plants.  

To join our "Pollinator Pathway," gardeners will sign a pledge to avoid pesticides and herbicides and use natural fertilizers such as composted materials.

They will also have the opportunity to purchase a metal  "Pathway" sign as shown above!  

We have been working hard in the nursery to build up our native plant inventories in anticipation of the start-up. 

In addition to having native plants for sale we will officially open our help kiosk. It will be stocked with hand-out materials from the Florida Native Wildflower foundation as well as other sources.

(Our volunteers at the Enchanted Garden Fest will
be supplied with elf ears and Gnome hats!!) 

The Pathway project will soon have its own page on our website.


February Plant Sale again surpassed $500 in donations!
Thank you volunteers!

Mullet Monday continues!
SHGC promoting Pollinator Pathway and Gnomeo projects at Moccasin Lake Park
Cary brings an unusual plant to the monthly meeting plant swap!
Mercily wants a piece!
Carol works at the Safety Harbor History Museum planting native flowers.
Part of our Pollinator Pathway initiative.
Nancy checks one of our bluebird boxes as Celeste looks on.
We have activity!
Nancy is logging activity at the boxes and we will post updates on the website.

Thanks for reading!

Our next newsletter will be posted directly to the Website,
no email link will be sent.
Make it a point to check in to the website
on a regular basis to stay up to date 

Volunteer for one of our events!
Keep checking our website for information.

Garden Club Newsletter August 2023

Hello Fellow Gardeners!  πŸŒΏπŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸͺ»πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸͺ΄  As requested I put out an email asking club members what they would like to have in the way of sp...